Wednesday 31 May 2017

Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Bahaya Merokok (Speech Text about The Danger Of Smoking)

Hello niver !!
What are you doing here ?
Hmm,, I see
So, You want to find the speech text about the danger of smoking, am i right ?
You come to the right place !
Oke here we go !
indonesian version:
Hello niver ?
Jadi, kalian sedang mencari sebuah pidato bahasa inggris tentang bahayanya merokok ?
tenang saja, memen punya nih pidato tentang bahayanya merokok dalam bahasa inggris.


Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.

Honorable ones, the juries of the speech contest, my teachers and my friends. At this golden opportunity allow me, Sri Rahayu, to stand in front of you all to deliver a brief speech about "The Danger Of Smoking".

My friends

Do you know? In this little tiny thing (a cigarette) has more than 4000 dangerous substances that will lead those who smoke it to death. Imagine, 4000 deadly substances!!! Are those 4000 evil substances not enough to make us to stop smoking???

I wonder why people are still smoking cigarette. Among of those substances, there are nicotine, the substance that causes addictive to smoke over and over again; tar, the substance that causes lung cancer; carbon monoxide, the substance that blocks oxygen circulation within blood; and carcinogen, the main actor of all cancer caused by smoking. People who smoke cigarettes, smokers, actually know the information. But again, I still wonder why they do smoke.

And wait!!! Those terrible things of smoking are not the worst thing. The super worst thing of smoking is the passive smokers. Yeah, the bad effects of smoking habit are not only for those who smoke (active smoker) but also those innocent people who inadvertently inhale the smoke of cigarettes. The passive smokers receive bad effect of smoking even three times bigger than the active smokers themselves. Just remember our beloved ones who don't smoke, our friend, our family or our children. Are they really deserve all bad things of what we done.

Can we stop smoking now??? I beg you.

My beloved friends

Indeed, the habit of smoking is not as easy to stop as it is said. It needs great effort and courage. But we can start to stop smoking right now with a healthy life style. Remember all bad things that we will get if we still consuming cigarettes. Remember those innocent of passive smokers who will get the same misfortune if they inhale the poisonous smoke we produce. Remember our children, family, and friends who will be damage if they are near with us who still smoke. Just remember all those things. And please stop it. It's enough. 

Stop smoking NOW! 

Stop it now. Stop it now. Thank you.

Wassalammualaikum wr,wb

Thank you so much for visiting my site.
i hope this speech text really useful for you niver😁
See you later😊

Ayoo,, Jangan Diam Saja

Ditulis Oleh : Imam Faried

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